Criativa Materiais Educativos

São Paulo jogo educativo 17107

The importance of play in pedagogical practice. Os jogos e as brincadeiras vêm ganhando espaço e importância em todas as abordagens referentes à infância. Games and plays are gaining space and importance in all approaches to childhood. Thus, the purpose of this review article is to discuss the main theoretical perspectives that address the use of games in school, as well as its importance for the cognitive, social and emotional development of the child from an interactionist approach.

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A metodologia utilizada foi um design de estudo de caso. Baptista, P. Principais indicadores. Girard, C. Serious games as new educational tools: How effective are they? Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29 3 , Godoy, C. Lutheran University of Brazil, Guaíba. Gonçalves, P.

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This article discusses the importance of the Games in early childhood education, seeking to understand and present contributions in the development process of the child in education. As objectives of this research, the same, we sought to identify and co-relate the theories of the authors addressed by theme in order to encourage and secure the games, as tools in the process of improvement and development of manual skills and motor skills of children. With a bibliographic approach, this study had a theoretical foundation, which has been strengthened with the theories of the authors Vygostsky, Piaget, Kishimoto and Friedmann and others which were the subject. Held a discussion about the matter, as the theories addressed understand the importance of educational games, as well as other recreational activities, in the process of teaching and initial development of children. O educador precisa estar sempre observando as habilidades desenvolvidas por elas, e as quais exatamente precisam ser revistas e estimuladas em sala de aula. Segundo Vygostskyo conduta da criança ao brincar é distinto, ela se comporta como se tivesse idade além do normal. Segundo Vygotskya aprendizagem precede o desenvolvimento infantil.


A metodologia utilizada foi um design de estudo de caso. Abstract: This work describes the process of conception and development of an educational game of mathematics called Mathematical Trivial, by students of the eighth grade of schooling, in a public school in Portugal. The game allows to practice the most varied mathematical contents through small adaptations, in any year of elementary education. In this work, we investigated whether the design of an educational game promotes the learning of mathematical concepts and identified the implications of students' attitudes towards mathematics. The methodology used was a case study layout. This is a mixed case study because there is a combination of tools and techniques associated with qualitative and quantitative studies. The data collection was done through naturalistic observation, the application of tasks and the application of a questionnaire survey.

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